Tag: zombies
Looking at the DVD cover, I was prepared to mock this film mercilessly, but it turns out that Dead Heist is the opposite of those direct-to-video dregs that spend three-quarters of their budget on snazzy cover art in order to suck you in and waste two hours of your...
I had assumed that the classic mammy stereotype died sometime between the cancellation of Beulah in the 1950s and the re-design of Aunt Jemima's waffle mix in the '80s, but lo and behold, turns out she was alive and well as late as 1991. I should've known that Elliott...
As straight-to-video zombie films go, Death Valley is one of them. But more than that, it stands out for having two major black characters and an interesting racial subplot involving zombie cowboy Bloody Bill: "The only thing he hated more than Yankees," explains one of the teenaged fodder, "was...
First, the bad news: Frankenthug comes from the folks who brought you the unholy trio of Zombiez, Vampiyaz, and Bloodz vs. Wolvez. Now, the good news: There's no "Z" in the title! Actually, Frankenthug might be the best of this dubious bunch, in part because it actually makes an...
Originally released as Last Rites in 2006, Gangs of the Dead was released on DVD a year later with a snappier -- if cheesier -- title that more accurately reflects its "urban" content. This movie should've been a typically corny, cheap, do-it-yourself production, but upon seeing the opening five...
Four decades before Ghostbusters, Bob Hope and his "boy" (as he's billed in the film's trailer) Willie Best were The Ghost Breakers, investigating a haunted house in Cuba in this remake of a lost 1922 Wallace Reid film called The Ghost Breaker. Hope, to his credit, isn't as demeaning...
I suppose you could call this a voodoo and/or zombie film, but it feels more like period drama than horror. As with many voodoo flicks, Grey Knight focuses less on the black people who are the purveyors of said voodoo than the white people who suffer its effects --...
There's actually a good idea for a horror movie in here somewhere; where better to find a steady supply of corpses ripe for zombification than in the 'hood? The 'hood in question here is in Oakland. A scientist (Carl Washington, who hasn't let an inability to act stop him...
I'll resist the urge to make a pun about how "horrible" this film is -- although it is pretty bad. I hesitate to call the script a "script." It's more like two or three plot points jotted down on a napkin, padded out with musical numbers. That's right; I...
I don't know much about Papua New Guinea (except that it's apparently crawling with zombies and cannibals), but I don't think that the racial makeup of the populace is quite as black as Hell of the Living Dead implies. Here, it looks more like Africa or the Caribbean than...