Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tag: worst

Tales from the Quadead Zone horror movie
Ah, Chester Novell Turner. Not since John Wayne Gacy have three words instilled such terror in the heart of Man. Contrary to popular belief, the person who brought you Black Devil Doll From Hell was not immediately thrown into a padded cell with no ventilation. Instead, he remained free...
Sorority Sister Slaughter horror movie
Let me start by saying how much I appreciate the fact that this movie resisted the urge to call itself Sorority Sista Slaughta. And it's always nice to see a horror movie directed by a woman (in this case, Susan Hippen). Now that those kudos are out of the...
Kracker Jack'd
Kracker Jack'd feeds off the fear that, DC Sniper and Atlanta Child Murderer aside, serial killers tend to be white. It's a fine basis for a film, and had anyone involved in the creative process been blessed with a modicum of talent, it might've lived up to that potential....
Ax Em horror movie poster
Some movies have to be seen to be believed, and while I wouldn't ordinarily recommend a film as bad as Ax 'Em, someone else must feel my pain. In fact, I think that every household in the world should own this movie so that the next time you see...
April Fools horror movie
You have to love April Fools. Otherwise, you might end up blowing your brains out. What feels like a film with production values above typical "urban horror" fare turns out to be frustratingly devoid of quality. But where quality is lacking, camp appeal reigns supreme, and if camp is...
Back from Hell horror movie poster
This minimum opus was filmed in 1993, although its blurry look is more like an early '80s snuff film. It has a Z-grade budget with Z-grade acting, Z-grade writing and Z-grade effects (For instance, a knife that supposedly slits a guy’s throat comes maybe within six inches of it.). When...
Black Dahlia horror movie poster
When I rented this film at the video store, the clerk looked at me and asked, "You know this isn't the Josh Hartnett movie, right?" "Yeah," I muttered with an embarrassment normally reserved for KY Jelly and Hustler purchases. "I'm not expecting much." You see, having recently sat through Zombie Nation,...
Black Devil Doll from Hell horror movie poster
The little train wreck that could, Black Devil Doll from Hell has gained a level of underground infamy in horror circles, thanks to its ridiculously low production values and scandalous content. It was filmed -- or rather, "videoed" -- in 1984, long before digital video cameras made low-budget, shot-on-video...
Blackenstein horror movie poster
It would be easy to assume that Blacula is a cheesy throwaway with camp-only value, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Blackenstein, on the other hand, is a sad, sad excuse for a film. On some level, though, that's what makes it so good -- er, well,...
The Black Witch Project movie
Rarely has there been such a sorry excuse for a movie as The Black Witch Project. It goes without saying that it exists solely to exploit the popularity of The Blair Witch Project, but it's so inept that it doesn't even parody that film. It doesn't involve "found footage,"...