Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: voodoo

Pre-dating the similarly themed Australian cult film Patrick by a few years, Psychic Killer has only one major black character (a not-quite-angelic Della Reese has a throwaway scene), and he dies within the first 15 minutes, but there wouldn't be a movie without him. And if there was, it...
The Promise Keeper horror movie
You can't tell from the ghostly white woman on the DVD cover art, but The Promise Keeper actually has a black and Latino cast. I'm not sure what York Entertainment was trying to hide by coming up with artwork that has nothing to do with the movie, but maybe...
Revenge of the Zombies horror movie poster
A semi-sequel to King of the Zombies, Revenge of the Zombies is more like King of the Zombies Redux, with Mantan Moreland reprising his role as bug-eyed servant Jeff, albeit in a different location (Louisiana instead of the Caribbean) and with a different (albeit equally rigid) cast of characters....
Tales from the Crypt Ritual horror movie
Ritual feels about as much like a Tales from the Crypt film as Def By Temptation felt like a Troma film -- that is, not at all. With barely a hint of the humor or the gore (aside from a grisly opening scene) that marked the excellent Demon Knight...
Scream Blacula Scream horror movie poster
A decent follow-up to the original blaxploitation classic, Scream, Blacula, Scream finds Mamuwalde awakened by aspiring voodoo priest "Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout" Willis (Richard Lawson) because, well, he' s an idiot. Mamuwalde proceeds to turn him into a vampire slave, and then Willis turns his girlfriend Denny (Lynne Moody) into...
Wes Craven's The Serpent and the Rainbow horror movie poster
As much as I love Wes Craven's The Serpent and the Rainbow, it's one of those films that revolves around an issue in a black community (in this case, voodoo and political turmoil in Haiti), but examines it through the eyes of a white protagonist. This is a sub-genre I...
Shrunken Heads horror movie poster
I generally think of shrunken heads as being more South American than Haitian, but if Hollywood says the contrary, it must be right! After all, it's taught me that Jamaican Rastafarians practice voodoo (and get their asses kicked by Steven Seagal) and that Wilmer Valderrama invented the dozens. I...
The Skeleton Key horror movie poster Kate Hudson voodoo hoodoo
The Skeleton Key is one of those movies that uses a white lead character to explore an aspect of black culture while most of the black characters remain peripheral -- sort of like a supernatural A Time to Kill, or Breakin' with hate crimes. Thus, I was a bit...
Soul Vengeance Welcome Home Brother Charles movie poster
Soul Vengeance is not generally considered horror, but what else would you call a film in which a guy strangles people with his mutated penis? A helluva good time, that's what! In this cult film from writer-director Jamaa Fanaka (Penitentiary), Charles (Marlo Monte) is arrested and nearly castrated by...
Storm of the Dead horror movie
I've seen my share of misleading DVD covers, but Storm of the Dead might take the cake. A more accurate representation of both the content and the quality of the film would be the original Photoshop hatchet job of a poster: Even the tagline is misleading: "In the swamp, there...