Tag: vampires
Son of Dracula is notable in its unusually large number of black characters -- five speaking parts -- although all of them are marginal, not even important enough to be neck-bite victims. It's indicative of the time: all of the black people are servants, but at least they're not...
A decent follow-up to the original blaxploitation classic, Scream, Blacula, Scream finds Mamuwalde awakened by aspiring voodoo priest "Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout" Willis (Richard Lawson) because, well, he' s an idiot. Mamuwalde proceeds to turn him into a vampire slave, and then Willis turns his girlfriend Denny (Lynne Moody) into...
It's tempting to call Recon 2020 a cheeseball, dunderheaded rip-off of Aliens, Starship Troopers and every other film ever made about "space marines"...because that's what it is. It's also a towering achievement, given the obvious budgetary constraints, and a testament to the power of crummy movies. If ever a film...
This French film gained a certain level of notoriety upon it release in 1968 for its violent and sexual content (Who knew it was possible to offend the French?), although in retrospect it's just as notorious for starting the career of erotic horror director Jean Rollin. One aspect of...
Old Dracula is a silly little horror comedy trying to capitalize on the success of Young Frankenstein, its punny title an indication of the level of humor involved (that being "low"). There's a surprising racial twist, however, in the tale of old vamp Dracula (David Niven, sporting a distinctly...
A week from next Thursday, a solar flare will engulf the Earth, turning most of the population into zombies. Or are they vampires? Mutants perhaps? Whatever they are, they're disturbingly horny. This is the premise behind Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!, a fairly enjoyable apocalyptic romp that still...
When I heard the title of this horror/comedy/musical short, I was first intrigued, then apprehensive, then a bit hungry (I had a bagel; problem solved), and finally intrigued again. I was prepared to see a cheesy, YouTube-quality, anti-Barack Obama skit starring a lookalike in a cape and fangs "sucking"...
The film Alabama's Ghost defies classification. Is it horror? Is it comedy? Is it sci-fi? Is it a musical? Regardless of the genre, one thing's certain: there were copious amounts of LSD involved. The movie is perhaps best summed up by a line uttered by shady agent Otto Max...
Blacula has become synonymous with black horror -- and rightly so -- but beyond being a seminal film that kickstarted the modern concept of black horror, it was also one of the earliest and most successful movies in the influential "Blaxploitation" era of cinema, propelling a movement that satiated...
Z. Winston Brown strikez again. The director who unleashed the plaguez known az Vampiyaz and Zombiez returnz with the "z"-grade Bloodz vs. Wolvez. Saying that this is the best of the three films is an insult to the word "best."
It's basically an urban bastardization of Underworld, pitting an underprivileged...