Friday, March 14, 2025

Tag: urban horror

Snoop Dogg in Bones horror movie poster
No, it's not gay porn, but thanks for asking. Bones is a horror film starring the one and only Snoop Dogg. True, any film starring Snoop Dogg could legitimately be deemed a horror film, but this one actually has, like, ghosts and stuff. Snoop is Jimmy Bones, a '70s-era...
Bugged horror movie poster
You’d think that with advances in technology and an increasing fan base, Troma movies would start to at least look better after a while, but this film looks as dated and cheap as the company’s '80s releases -- granted, it stands out from the pack due to its all-black cast. The...
Creepin' horror movie poster
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. That's the best way to approach Creepin', a low-budget, low-brow horror spoof along the lines of Scary Movie that isn't "good" so much as it is "not as bad as" 90% of other cheapie, direct-to-video horror films, particularly...
Cryptz horror movie poster
Essentially an "urban" version of From Dusk Till Dawn or Vamp, Cryptz revolves around a strip club run by female vampires. As is the norm with Full Moon/Big City Pictures urban horror pics, our heroes are (yawn) wannabe rappers, but thankfully we don't have to suffer through any performances...
Cutthroat Alley horror movie poster
An above-average direct-to-video urban slasher, Cutthroat Alley is basically Scream in the 'Hood. It borrows liberally from the Wes Craven flick, but what it lacks in originality it makes up for in direction, writing and production value (everything's relative here, folks). The story is a cohesive whodunit with no...
Dead Heist horror movie
Looking at the DVD cover, I was prepared to mock this film mercilessly, but it turns out that Dead Heist is the opposite of those direct-to-video dregs that spend three-quarters of their budget on snazzy cover art in order to suck you in and waste two hours of your...
Deathly Realities horror movie poster
S. Torriano Berry, director of the early "urban horror" film The Embalmer and member of the Black Horror Movie Hall of Fame, had previously written and directed an African-American Twilight Zone of sorts in the mid-'80s, entitled The Black Beyond. While I don't think it was seen on TV...
Dream Home horror movie
I give Dream Home credit for being a mostly African-American horror movie without revolving around a stereotypically "urban" storyline involving gangstas, or even a stereotypically "rural" storyline involving voodoo. I also give it credit for being only 70 minutes long. Beyond that, it's garbage. I suppose the cover art...
Embalmer horror movie
Predating Full Moon releases like Killjoy by several years, Embalmer was one of the earliest of the "urban horror" films of the '90s. The movie brings to life a supposed urban legend of "Undertaker Zach", a killer so vicious that he inspired a Lizzie Borden-like hop scotch rhyme: Tell you...
The Evil One horror movie
It's nice to find a relatively high-minded, restrained -- dare I say classy? -- urban horror tale that doesn't revolve around crude stereotypes or titles with Z's where S's should be, but after about two hours, restraint and class will put your ass to sleep. The Evil One is...