Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tag: space

The Cloverfield Paradox
The Cloverfield Paradox had been on the radar for some time (known initially as God Particle) when, on Super Bowl Sunday 2018, amidst the ads for carbonated beverages and fashionably edible laundry detergent, the world was shocked by a commercial announcing that the movie was now available on Netflix....
Jason X horror movie poster
While the first couple of Friday the 13th films were noticeably lacking in color, the series has made up for those monochromatic early days by including fairly significant black characters in most of the entries since then. Apart from the downright Negroid Part 5, Jason X has the largest...
Recon 2020: The Caprini Massacre movie
It's tempting to call Recon 2020 a cheeseball, dunderheaded rip-off of Aliens, Starship Troopers and every other film ever made about "space marines"...because that's what it is. It's also a towering achievement, given the obvious budgetary constraints, and a testament to the power of crummy movies. If ever a film...
Event Horizon movie poster
Paul W.S. Anderson will never win an Academy Award. Still, he's got a knack for mindless, lightweight horror and action with mainstream blockbuster-y tendancies. Event Horizon is easily his most uncompromising Hollywood film, a dark, unsettling work with some fairly graphic imagery (including a topless Sam Neill). It came...