Monday, March 31, 2025

Tag: revenge

J.D.'s Revenge
One of the more overlooked of the upper-tier Blaxploitation films -- horror or otherwise -- J.D.'s Revenge avoids the corniness inherent in taking a well-worn story and slapping the word "black" on it (Blacula, Blackenstein, Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde) by delivering a somber supernatural mystery propelled by haunting tension...
Killjoy horror movie
Resident nerd Michael (Jamal Grimes) is beaten up for flirting with resident thug Lorenzo's (William L. Johnson) girl Jada (Vera Yell), then runs home to do what anyone in that situation would do: invoke a demonic clown. Is there any good reason why he knows how to do this?...
Nurse Sherri Black Voodoo horror movie poster
Although the cast of Nurse Sherri is pretty much racially integrated, and the character of Sherri is very much white, this film is often tagged as a Blaxploitation film -- particularly when re-titled Black Voodoo for VHS release with a complete racial 360 on the cover art: In the film, tig-ol-bittied Jill Jacobson gives...
The Oblong Box horror movie poster
Once again, voodoo is up to no good. It ruins the party, gropes your girlfriend, and will never pay back that $10 it owes you. Won't people ever learn? The Oblong Box, a VERY loose interpretation of the Edgar Allan Poe short story, is one of those Technicolor horror-themed...
Ouanga (AKA The Love Wanga AKA Drums of the Jungle) movie poster
Though little known, Ouanga is notable as supposedly only the second movie (after White Zombie) to feature zombies. It also deals with interracial love, the notion of "passing," and the supposedly inherent fiery lustfulness of black native women. As the poster proclaims: "Meet Clelie...naive...young and beautiful...lithe, yielding, and primitive,...
Poor Pretty Eddie movie poster
Leslie Uggams was one of those "triple threat" artists that were so prevalent in the '60s and '70s, a time when just a modicum of talent -- and many of them had just that -- warranted your own variety show. Who would guess, though, that amongst her generally classy...
Prison horror movie poster
Some movies are so simple, you can watch them on mute and still know what's going on. In the case of Prison, I actually watched it on Telemundo, and since there's no such thing as "Reverse SAP" (I guess it would be EAP), I plodded through the film as...
Ragdoll horror movie
Ragdoll's plot feels like a cross between two fellow Full Moon/Big City films, Killjoy and The Horrible Doctor Bones (granted, it came out before both). Like the latter, a hip-hop group (whose performances inspire vehement fast-forwarding) is strong-armed into signing a contract with a crooked producer. Like the former,...
Slip horror movie
Imagine if in The Sixth Sense, the ghosts told Haley Joel Osment to avenge their any means necessary. I see even more dead people... That's the basic premise behind Slip, a neat little supernatural action-horror-thriller-buddy cop flick that may be the best thing schlocky Maverick Entertainment has released...
Soul Vengeance Welcome Home Brother Charles movie poster
Soul Vengeance is not generally considered horror, but what else would you call a film in which a guy strangles people with his mutated penis? A helluva good time, that's what! In this cult film from writer-director Jamaa Fanaka (Penitentiary), Charles (Marlo Monte) is arrested and nearly castrated by...