Friday, March 14, 2025

Tag: rappers

Day Shift
I have selfish reasons for wanting to see Day Shift. Yeah, it’s a movie about a black vampire hunter and all, but it was also filmed in my stomping ground of the San Fernando Valley -- something I became acutely aware of months before its release when production shut...
Black Horror 101: A Brief History of African American Horror Cinema
  Black Is Boo-Tiful When Jordan Peeele’s Get Out became a breakout success in 2017, earning him the first Original Screenplay Oscar awarded to an African-American, "black horror movies" suddenly became the new hot property in Hollywood, with many people seeming to believe that this was an entirely new subset of...
Slice movie poster
When red-hot indie studio A24 -- home to award winners like Moonlight, Room and Lady Bird and acclaimed genre fare like Hereditary, The Witch and It Comes at Night -- revealed that it was releasing a horror-comedy starring Chance "the Rapper" Bennett and Zazie Beetz, I was understandably pumped....
Snake Outta Compton
Snake Outta Compton is the type of movie about which it seems safe to assume the title came WAY before a single word of the actual script was written. It's a punny, grade-school-level concept that's indicative of the humor within, but thanks to its relentless, all-in goofiness, the film...
The Mortician
The Mortician is an odd duck that defies easy classification. Like Apartment 4E, its cover art seems to paint it as a conventional horror film or thriller, with the titular character looking like he could be a Jack the Ripper-era serial killer. But despite his three-piece suit, bowler hat...
BloodRunners movie poster
With his cushy gig on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit clocking in at 17 years (!) and counting, you wouldn't think Ice-T would bother to venture out into low-budget, direct-to-video fare like this, but if there's anything Ice-T has taught us over the years, it's that he doesn't...
LL Cool J in Deep Blue Sea
Originally published on Introduction Being a black person in a horror movie isn't easy. You're rarely the hero, hardly ever the villain and more often than not you end up dead. But as they say, "When in Rome…die as a Roman," or something like that. At least there are steps...
Mario Van Peebles in Jaws: The Revenge
Be they stereotypes or monotypes, they're the "types" that most black characters in horror films inevitably fall into... The Spook As the name implies, the spook is spooked by all things spooky. Typically the comic sidekick, he's often spared from death by his ability to make people laugh. The "classic spook"...
Now Eat the Movie Brotha Lynch Hung
Not to be confused with Now Eat the self-help guide, or Now Eat the college dissertation, Now Eat: The Movie is a showcase for Sacramento rapper (yes, Sacramento rapper) Brotha Lynch Hung, who gained fame in the '90s for his gangsta rap laced with graphic tales of cannibalism and...
Nite Tales horror movie
Nite Tales represents the continued evolution of modern black horror movies in the 21st least, production value-wise. The content itself is pretty much crap. Or couldn't you tell by the tagline "hosted by Flavor Flav"? With his energetic, larger-than-life personality, Flav seems suited to do...something, but horror movie host...