Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tag: rape

Tenement movie poster
Ah, sweet sleaze. They don't make 'em like this anymore. As offensive as films like Tenement are, there's something oddly admirable in their level of don't-give-a-damn-ness. Rape, sodomy, murder, torture, humiliation; everything goes in this movie. That said, there's only one particularly nasty scene involving attitudinal (and thus expendable)...
Vanity in Tanya's Island movie poster
I freely admit that Tanya's Island is not a horror film, but like Soul Vengeance, it defies genre (not to mention logic, good taste and proper hygiene). The film stars The Artist Formerly Known As Vanity as Tanya, a vapid model (redundant?) who we're supposed to pity because her...
Poor Pretty Eddie movie poster
Leslie Uggams was one of those "triple threat" artists that were so prevalent in the '60s and '70s, a time when just a modicum of talent -- and many of them had just that -- warranted your own variety show. Who would guess, though, that amongst her generally classy...
Breeders horror movie poster
This cheesy '80s monster movie stands out for two reasons: 1) It's directed by Tim Kincaid, who helmed the famously awful Robot Holocaust, which was parodied on Mystery Science Theater 3000 (He previously directed gay porn. Look it up.), and 2) It one of the rare horror films of...
Gold Digger Killer horror movie
The title alone should draw plenty of interest to Gold Digger Killer, but allow me to clarify that it doesn't refer to someone killing gold diggers (sorry, fellas), but rather an accused gold digger killing disrespectful men. Despite the campy title, GDK is a "deadly" serious film that's more...
Fight for Your Life movie poster
Fight for Your Life isn't necessarily considered a horror movie (Perhaps if it had been released widely under its much cooler alternate title, Bloodbath at 1313 Fury Road; no, really, that was a thing.), but it's actually not much different from torture/revenge "horror" flicks like I Spit on Your Grave...
Chop Shop horror movie
Chop Shop aims to be an exploitation revenge flick in the vein of I Spit on Your Grave or its little-seen sequel, I Pass Gas on Your Sarcophagus -- and for a while, it succeeds. For a while. In classic exploitation style, the story is simple -- boys meet girl,...
Chaos horror movie
If a movie could be a hate crime, Chaos is it. It's like Birth of a Nation without the artistic merit. It was originally slated as a remake of Wes Craven's seminal Last House on the Left, but pompous writer/director David DeFalco felt that his film was original enough...