Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tag: rape

In the late summer of 2022, a movie was released about a young black woman who arrives for a stay at a rental property she reserved, only to discover that it’s been double booked and is currently occupied by a strange white man with unknown intentions. Suspicious, she reluctantly...
Into the Dark: Crawlers
Aside from being a reliable source of quality holiday horror entertainment over the past year and a half, Hulu’s feature film anthology series Into the Dark has low-key become an inclusive showcase for women of color, who have starred in at least one-third of the episodes so far, including...
What Inhumanity lacks in budget, it makes up for in reckless ambition. With a sprawling slasher-thriller-action-sci fi-mystery-suspense story that incorporates serial killers, police corruption, medical experimentation, an international crime ring, a murder whodunit, a love triangle and a myriad of crosses, double-crosses and plot twists, it admirably aims for...
Bill Huckstabelle: Serial Rapist
If the U.S. were ever to fully devolve into a totalitarian dictatorship with full governmental media control, one unforeseen benefit could be that we may never again have to see a movie like Bill Huckstabelle: Serial Rapist. I’d like to say that, in this scenario, it would be censored...
Machete Joe
Looking at its cover art, Machete Joe seems like just another cheapo slasher movie, but a couple of things set this film apart from the pack. First, the cast -- including the killer -- is primarily black (not that you can tell from the light-skinned victim and the shadowy...
The Innocents (Los Inocentes)
As an American, I'm fairly comfortable relating the portrayal of black characters in horror movies to the racial dynamics in the US as a whole, but it's always interesting to see how black characters in foreign films come across. The Argentine movie The Innocents (not to be confused with...
american backwoods: slew hampshire
American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire is a confounding little indie whose unique style and voice is as admirable as it is irksome. With its warped point of view, it would stand out even if it didn't have a black protagonist, but for the purposes of this site, it's the latter...
Chosen Survivors provides one of the earliest examples I've found of a "heroic death" by a black character in a horror movie. The phenomenon of black heroic death has served a purpose similar to that of the black "authority figure": it's a way for mainstream films to present more...
Unsullied movie poster
It's not terribly unusual for a former professional athlete to enter the movie business, but it's typically as an actor or producer, so ex-football player Simeon Rice's transition from sports into directing is pretty rare. And his decision to direct a horror movie in particular is even more unheard...
Three Sickxty horror movie
A general rule of thumb in identifying a bad movie: if two or more people in the credits go by a single name -- say, Madonna and Prince -- chances are it's not Oscar material. In Three Sickxty's case, there are actually five: Aerletaree, Earthquake, Chocolate, Navangia and Lashaun....