Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tag: racism

Black Moon horror movie poster
In the 1930s and 1940s, it seems like nothing scared white America like being outnumbered by Negroes. An endless stream of African jungle adventure films came out exploiting that fear, as did a number of voodoo tales -- Black Moon being one of the earliest. Unlike predecessor White Zombie...
Blacula horror movie poster
Blacula has become synonymous with black horror -- and rightly so -- but beyond being a seminal film that kickstarted the modern concept of black horror, it was also one of the earliest and most successful movies in the influential "Blaxploitation" era of cinema, propelling a movement that satiated...
Boys of the City movie poster
Boy, this ranks up there with Curse of the Voodoo in the "Most Likely to Be Boycotted by Al Sharpton" category. Lone black East Side Kid Scruno (Ernest "Sunshine Sammy" Morrison) is the butt of so many racial jokes, it's almost fascinating -- like a time capsule of how...
Chaos horror movie
If a movie could be a hate crime, Chaos is it. It's like Birth of a Nation without the artistic merit. It was originally slated as a remake of Wes Craven's seminal Last House on the Left, but pompous writer/director David DeFalco felt that his film was original enough...
Chloe, Love Is Calling You movie poster
Some movies are so racially offensive, you have to just laugh them off as outdated artifacts and enjoy them as the campy, fetid turd-fests they are. Enter Chloe. While it's been packaged as the "bonus" film on the DVD release of The Devil's Daughter, Chloe is actually much more...
Curse of the Voodoo horror movie poster
Wow. Could this be any more offensive? It opens documentary-style with a voiceover (and a montage of booga-booga tribesmen and wild animals devouring each other) : "Africa: A country that for centuries was hidden from civilized man...Africa: where primitive people still practice evil religions which weave a dark...
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill horror movie poster
As straight-to-video zombie films go, Death Valley is one of them. But more than that, it stands out for having two major black characters and an interesting racial subplot involving zombie cowboy Bloody Bill: "The only thing he hated more than Yankees," explains one of the teenaged fodder, "was...
Master P's Don't Be Scared horror movie
Master P is a business man. I realize that. He's never been accused of artistic integrity. But Don't Be Scared (phonetically, Don't Be Scurred) may be an all-time low. I hope that he saw it as strictly a money-making venture to capitalize on the whole slasher craze, because if...
Do You Wanna Know a Secret movie poster
The answer to the titular question is most certainly "no," but while Do You Wanna Know a Secret is an utterly pitiful and derivative slasher whose main draw is Joey Lawrence going through some sort of Jean-Claude Van Damme phase, it actually has some interesting racial overtones. The story finds...
Bela Lugosi in Spooks Run Wild horror movie poster
The East Side Kids were a bunch of lovable street toughs (now known as a "gang") who starred in a series of films in the '40s as a spin-off of the similar (though more serious) Dead End Kids pics (They would later also spin off the Bowery Boys.). Former...