Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: musicals

Phantom of the Grindhouse
Even though we're well into the 21st century, it's still disturbingly rare to find a black person playing the primary villain in a horror movie -- despite the fact that black is overwhelmingly the skin color of choice for anonymous gang members and thugs in any genre. Why would...
Yambao (AKA Cry of the Bewitched AKA Young and Evil)
The relatively obscure Mexican-Cuban production Yambaó seems to be lumped into the horror genre because of its elements of voodoo/Santeria and spirit possession, but frankly, it deals with those subjects in such a matter-of-fact manner (perhaps reflecting the level of cultural belief that these types of events are real...
The Midnight Hour movie poster
I remember the awe with which I watched this made-for-TV movie as a child. I didn't have cable, and The Midnight Hour came as close to HBO as anything I had access to outside of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" on Friday Night Videos. This comparison is apt, as Midnight Hour's...
Midnight Menace horror movie poster
Midnight Menace is a 24-minute all-black musical showcase for Lollypop Jones, who apparently was a vaudeville singer and dancer back in the '40s. Unfortunately for us, he wasn't an actor. Jones stars as himself, a performer who shows up for a gig and goes to his dressing room (he...
Soulful movie poster
Soulful is an all-over-the-place mix of spirituality, supernatural horror, urban crime, soap opera, musical and softcore pornography. I think that the Christian elements are supposed to supersede all others, but the fact that there are fewer church scenes than there are scenes of doggystyle sex acts makes that a...
The Horrible Doctor Bones horror movie
I'll resist the urge to make a pun about how "horrible" this film is -- although it is pretty bad. I hesitate to call the script a "script." It's more like two or three plot points jotted down on a napkin, padded out with musical numbers. That's right; I...