Tag: miscegenation
I usually don't review movies that are still exclusively playing in theaters -- really, for no better reason than it's hard to get the screen shots I usually utilize -- but Get Out is Important (with a capital "I") enough to warrant an exception. Between its artistic merit and...
Over the years, Charles Manson has achieved cult hero status amongst people who are apparently willing to forgive (or forget, or just not give a damn about) the fact that he not only orchestrated the murders of nine innocent people (including 8-months-pregnant actress Sharon Tate), but also that he's...
I've seen my share of misleading DVD covers, but Storm of the Dead might take the cake. A more accurate representation of both the content and the quality of the film would be the original Photoshop hatchet job of a poster:
Even the tagline is misleading: "In the swamp, there...
I recall the unexpected joy I felt when I first sat down to watch Sisters and saw that it seemed to star (or at least co-star) a black man. And not your typical 1970s Hollywood black man either -- struttin', jive talkin', ho slappin' -- but rather, an honest-to-goodness...
Though little known, Ouanga is notable as supposedly only the second movie (after White Zombie) to feature zombies. It also deals with interracial love, the notion of "passing," and the supposedly inherent fiery lustfulness of black native women. As the poster proclaims: "Meet Clelie...naive...young and beautiful...lithe, yielding, and primitive,...
I can't prove it, but I think that the NRA uses The Omega Man as a recruiting film. "This is what the future has in stake for you!" I can imagine them proclaiming. Never mind that this "future" takes place in 1976. NRA poster child Charlton Heston stars as...
Based on my viewing experience, I'd say that 98.63% of horror movies about voodoo are about the malevolent impact that voodoo has on white people, while the black practitioners of voodoo remain ancillary (and usually evil, or at least dangerous) characters. Case in point: London Voodoo, in which voodoo...
Those of you looking for a sequel to Sandra Bullock’s alcoholic drama 28 Days will probably be disappointed in 28 Days Later. The first clue that you have the wrong movie might be all the British accents. The second might be all the murders. The gritty and truly frightening...
You'd be hard-pressed to find a less intimidating title for a horror movie than Frogs, but those who've witnessed Kermit's coke-fueled tirades first-hand know how scary these creatures can be. Frogs is set in an unnamed, Louisiana-esque swampy locale. Ray Milland, coupled with his role in The Thing with...
Like many people, I thoroughly ignored the Children of the Corn remake once the label "SyFy original" was slapped on it, but when I finally got around to watching it, I almost dropped my hot wings: Holy Halle Berry! There's a black chick playing the Linda Hamilton role! Indeed, there...