Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tag: lists

best books about Black film history
Stepping outside of the horror genre for a second, I wrote a guest post on Shepherd.com about my choices for the five best books about Black film history. If you're looking to learn about the history of Black cinema, horror or otherwise, these books are a great place to...
C.H.U.D. Black T.H.O.T.
Re-imagining your favorite horror movies with black casts.
Daniel Kaluuya in Get Out
Horror movies tend to be thought of as hollow entertainment, but horror has a long history of addressing heavy social issues, whether directly or through symbolic or allegorical means. Perhaps the heaviest of heavy social issues is race relations -- especially in the United States -- but these horror/suspense...
Duane Jones in Night of the Living Dead
It goes without saying that over the years, Hollywood has had some issues with adequate racial representation in starring roles, and horror is certainly not immune to that problem. However, that doesn't mean there haven't been some excellent "mainstream" (for lack of a better word) fright flicks starring black folk....
Danai Gurira, My Soul to Take
Most actors and actresses have to pay their dues before they become famous, and one genre well versed in due-paying is horror. Popular with producers out to make a quick buck yet reviled by critics, horror movies are both high in number and low in esteem, making them perfect...
LL Cool J in Deep Blue Sea
Originally published on eHow.com Introduction Being a black person in a horror movie isn't easy. You're rarely the hero, hardly ever the villain and more often than not you end up dead. But as they say, "When in Rome…die as a Roman," or something like that. At least there are steps...
Mario Van Peebles in Jaws: The Revenge
Be they stereotypes or monotypes, they're the "types" that most black characters in horror films inevitably fall into... The Spook As the name implies, the spook is spooked by all things spooky. Typically the comic sidekick, he's often spared from death by his ability to make people laugh. The "classic spook"...
Rapper Ice Cube
Rappers are busy people, what with all the ho juggling, money stacking, and ride pimping. That's why so few of them have time to fully devote to the craft of acting. And yet so many of them are doing it, mucking up our precious horror films with their half-assed...
Dying in a horror movie is a rite of passage for black actors. Can you name at least one film in which these esteemed (and not so esteemed) actors, actresses, athletes, and musicians have met their maker? If you can, perhaps consider getting some fresh air for a change....
William Marshall as Blacula
Black people originated the slang of bad meaning good, but that doesn't mean they can't also be bad meaning bad. They've played some of the more memorable baddies in horror history. Here are some of the baddest black villains to grace a horror movie screen. Whatcha gonna do when...