Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tag: human sacrifice

Lord Shango movie poster
A couple of years after co-starring in the landmark black horror film Ganja & Hess, scream queen Marlene Clark headlined Lord Shango, and while Ganja & Hess has emerged from the shadows in recent years to gain some mainstream notoriety (and an ill-fated Spike Lee remake), Lord Shango remains...
I Eat Your Skin horror movie poster
Cheesy white playboy author Tom Harris (William Joyce) comes to a Caribbean island to research the existence of voodoo, zombies, and virgins. He chases away a tall, lanky, Darby Jones-like black zombie who has the gall to ogle a white woman (Heather "Love" Hewitt) swimming in a river. Luckily,...
Night of the Sorcerers horror movie poster
From Spanish director Amando de Ossorio, who brought us the great Bind Dead series, comes Night of the Sorcerers, a not-so-great film that thankfully was never extended into a series. The story is basically Tombs of the Blind Dead Redux, but set in Africa and with fur bikinis. As with...
Urban Nightmare horror movie poster
Wow, I didn't think they made movies like this anymore...and I wish I was right. Urban Nightmare is a heinous throwback to '80s cop movies in which all minorities are ridiculously stereotyped criminals, and it's up the hard-boiled white cop to mop up the streets with 'em. In this...
Voodoo Tailz horror movie
I knew I was in for some deep-tissue pain when this movie opened with a voiceover that sounds more like a fifth-grade book report: Every Mardi Gras, college girls have ended up missing. Nobody knows who is kidnapping the girls, but legend has it that there is a bayou cult...
The White Gorilla movie poster
This is more of an adventure film than horror, but given the fine line in gorilla-centric fare back in the '40s, you can cut me some slack. The reason I'm including The White Gorilla on this site is that while watching it, I couldn't help but feel like Richard...
The Wounded movie poster
Any time a movie features a group of convicts in jail, it's a safe bet there's a significant number of black characters involved. In the case of The Wounded, it's a regular Rainbow Coalition, with mostly black and Latino cast members, but also a couple of white guys and...
Blood Tide horror movie poster
In the hindsight of DVD release-dom, James Earl Jones receives top-billing in this cast of C-grade stars, but as for the movie itself, he’s relegated to supporting status to Martin "Cobra Kai" Kove of Karate Kid fame and Lydia "Too Close for Comfort" Cornell. Why do Darth Vader like...
Chloe, Love Is Calling You movie poster
Some movies are so racially offensive, you have to just laugh them off as outdated artifacts and enjoy them as the campy, fetid turd-fests they are. Enter Chloe. While it's been packaged as the "bonus" film on the DVD release of The Devil's Daughter, Chloe is actually much more...