Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: horror comedies

A Haunted House
Marlon Wayans had a hand in writing Scary Movie, the entertaining surprise hit from 2000 that rekindled America's taste for spoof movies -- following the Airplane! series of the '80s and the Naked Gun flicks of the '90s -- but if his latest genre sendup A Haunted House is...
Phantom of the Grindhouse
Even though we're well into the 21st century, it's still disturbingly rare to find a black person playing the primary villain in a horror movie -- despite the fact that black is overwhelmingly the skin color of choice for anonymous gang members and thugs in any genre. Why would...
Soft Matter
The promotional materials for Soft Matter call it a cross between The Shape of Water and Get Out, a description that is troublesome not only because it's wildly inaccurate, but also because the only discernible similarity between it and Get Out is the fact that the main protagonist is...
Snake Outta Compton
Snake Outta Compton is the type of movie about which it seems safe to assume the title came WAY before a single word of the actual script was written. It's a punny, grade-school-level concept that's indicative of the humor within, but thanks to its relentless, all-in goofiness, the film...
Boo! A Madea Halloween
Boo! A Madea Halloween is a movie that shouldn't exist. It was conceived as a joke by Chris Rock for his movie Top Five, and Tyler Perry, apparently unfamiliar with the concept of parody, took it as a challenge. Thus, less than two years after Top Five opened, Tyler...
Not Another Zombie Movie
I know what you're thinking: not another zombie movie. Well, Not Another Zombie Movie beat you to the punch. Yes, it's another zombie movie, and more specifically, it's another zombie comedy ("zom com"). But here's a twist: it's an "urban" (read: black) zom com, which helps make it stand out...
The Alchemist Cookbook
The Alchemist Cookbook is a challenging film that defies categorization; it's part horror, part drama, part comedy and all quirky. It stands out from the bulk of today's genre movies due to its unconventional style -- essentially a one-man show, with a slow pace, ambiguous content, minimal dialogue and...
Dying to Kill
Dying to Kill is a little indie film that received a brief run on Hulu in late 2016, but otherwise, I don't think it's available anywhere, so if you want to see it, maybe you can make a flip book of drawings based on my description to get a...
Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens
The Sharknado series began as a charmingly low-brow, tongue-in-cheek sendup of the disaster and killer animal movies you can catch on SyFy every weekend. It was initially innocuous, relatively low-key camp, but over time, the series has bought into its own viral appeal and now tries way too hard...
Grace Jones in Vamp movie poster
A fun horror-comedy that could only come from the '80s, Vamp features Grace Jones, scary enough as a human, as the evil vampire seductress Katrina. Fraternity pledges AJ and Keith (Robert Rusler and Chris Makepeace...Makepeace?) head to the city seeking strippers for their frat's big bash, only to stumble upon...