Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tag: history

Number of Black Horror Movies Per Year
How Much Have Black Horror Roles Increased? Tracking the number of modern horror movies per year with significant* Black roles. For  details on specific movies, refer to: 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s *Admittedly, "significant" is a subjective term that varies by era.
best books about Black film history
Stepping outside of the horror genre for a second, I wrote a guest post on about my choices for the five best books about Black film history. If you're looking to learn about the history of Black cinema, horror or otherwise, these books are a great place to...
Black Horror 101: A Brief History of African American Horror Cinema
  Black Is Boo-Tiful When Jordan Peeele’s Get Out became a breakout success in 2017, earning him the first Original Screenplay Oscar awarded to an African-American, "black horror movies" suddenly became the new hot property in Hollywood, with many people seeming to believe that this was an entirely new subset of...
The Black Die Young: The Internal Struggle of a Black Horror Movie Fan
Originally published on I have a secret passion; the less addicted of you might call it an addiction. I like to watch. I rent base, filthy movies and slip them into brown paper bags so no one can tell. I sit alone in seedy, near-empty theaters, pleasuring myself with...
Scary Sistas: A Brief History of Black Women in Horror Films
Originally posted on Black women in cinematic history have long faced the double-barreled Hollywood stigma of race and gender "otherness," their fleeting moment of glory coming in the '90s when "You go, girl!" was introduced into the popular lexicon. On the more formal level of Oscar recognition, meanwhile, the...