Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: gangs

Bitch Ass
To address the bitch-ass elephant in the room: yes, this movie is called Bitch Ass. It’s a title that’s likely to cause some conflicted feelings because it comes off as juvenile and borderline offensive, but on the other hand, it serves its purpose by grabbing your attention and wedging...
The Mortician
The Mortician is an odd duck that defies easy classification. Like Apartment 4E, its cover art seems to paint it as a conventional horror film or thriller, with the titular character looking like he could be a Jack the Ripper-era serial killer. But despite his three-piece suit, bowler hat...
King of the Streets Alien Warrior movie
OK, so this is more of a science fiction movie than a horror movie -- hell, it's more of a public service announcement than it is a horror movie -- but damned if it isn't one of those irresistible "they can't be serious" train wrecks of a movie that...
Mutant Vampire Zombies from the Hood horror movie poster
A week from next Thursday, a solar flare will engulf the Earth, turning most of the population into zombies. Or are they vampires? Mutants perhaps? Whatever they are, they're disturbingly horny. This is the premise behind Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!, a fairly enjoyable apocalyptic romp that still...
Predator 2 movie poster
Predator 2 isn't as good as Predator. OK? Now that we've sufficiently lowered our expectations, we can enjoy Predator 2 for what it is: an over-the-top, campy, fun popcorn movie. Danny Glover isn't the natural choice to fill the shoes of Arnold Schwarzenegger; he's 40-something and runs like an...
Tales from the Hood horror movie poster
Of all the all-black horror movies to receive a theatrical release since the Blaxploitation era (let's say, four), Tales from the Hood is probably the best. Smarter than Bones, with a grander scale than Def by Temptation, and well, it's not Vampire in Brooklyn, TFTH follows the standard Tales from the Crypt...
Tenement movie poster
Ah, sweet sleaze. They don't make 'em like this anymore. As offensive as films like Tenement are, there's something oddly admirable in their level of don't-give-a-damn-ness. Rape, sodomy, murder, torture, humiliation; everything goes in this movie. That said, there's only one particularly nasty scene involving attitudinal (and thus expendable)...
Urban Nightmare horror movie poster
Wow, I didn't think they made movies like this anymore...and I wish I was right. Urban Nightmare is a heinous throwback to '80s cop movies in which all minorities are ridiculously stereotyped criminals, and it's up the hard-boiled white cop to mop up the streets with 'em. In this...
Z. Winston Brown strikez again. The director who unleashed the plaguez known az Vampiyaz and Zombiez returnz with the "z"-grade Bloodz vs. Wolvez. Saying that this is the best of the three films is an insult to the word "best." It's basically an urban bastardization of Underworld, pitting an underprivileged...
Dark Town horror movie poster
Scarier than "Funky Town," funkier than O-Town, Dark Town is a neat little direct-to-video flick with an interesting premise. Vampires from Bosnia emigrate to the bloodiest place they can find after the genocide ends: Compton. Meanwhile, teen Compton-ite Rakeem (Del Wills) and his buddies decide one night to take...