Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tag: Caribbean

Tales from the Crypt Ritual horror movie
Ritual feels about as much like a Tales from the Crypt film as Def By Temptation felt like a Troma film -- that is, not at all. With barely a hint of the humor or the gore (aside from a grisly opening scene) that marked the excellent Demon Knight...
Red Water horror movie poster
Not exactly a shining achievement for black roles -- or any roles, for that matter -- Red Water is a by-the-books, made-for-TV killer shark movie. C-grade horror mainstay Coolio is main bad guy Ice, a stereotypical thug who works for stereotypical Caribbean drug kingpin Rick (Tumisho Masha) and is...
Piranha II: The Spawning horror movie
The phenomenon of black people dying in horror movies didn't really come into its own until the 1980s, when the slasher film hit its stride and trickle-down Reaganomics, yuppie elitism and Izod shirts rendered persons of color utterly disposable. Witness Piranha II, a film that has heretofore derived its...
Ouanga (AKA The Love Wanga AKA Drums of the Jungle) movie poster
Though little known, Ouanga is notable as supposedly only the second movie (after White Zombie) to feature zombies. It also deals with interracial love, the notion of "passing," and the supposedly inherent fiery lustfulness of black native women. As the poster proclaims: "Meet Clelie...naive...young and beautiful...lithe, yielding, and primitive,...
King of the Zombies horror movie poster
King of the Zombies features Mantan Moreland in his typical horror role, the simple-minded, jittery spook: "Not me, y'all go on in there! I’m ain't goin' in dere!" The manservant of -- oh no! -- "Mr. Bill" (John Archer), he crash lands on a Caribbean island with his boss and...
Jaws: The Revenge movie poster
The premise behind Jaws: The Revenge is so lame, it should be put down for humanitarian reasons. It's so lame, it should be called Jaws: Jump the Shark. It's so lame, I don't even want to make jokes about it anymore. It's so ridiculous a concept that I could...
I Walked with a Zombie horror movie poster
One of the more high-minded zombie films you'll find, I Walked with a Zombie is as much (melo)drama as it is horror. There's not a hint of the humor that was to propel the spoof Zombies on Broadway two years later, nor the explicit brain-munching that was to propel,...
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer horror movie poster
Apparently, what you did last summer was make a crappy movie. This is the type of sequel that's so bad, it diminishes the memory of the otherwise enjoyable original (see also Resident Evil: Apocalypse). This pointless, unimaginative rehash (which even revisits the overhead shot of Jennifer Love Hewitt yelling...
I Eat Your Skin horror movie poster
Cheesy white playboy author Tom Harris (William Joyce) comes to a Caribbean island to research the existence of voodoo, zombies, and virgins. He chases away a tall, lanky, Darby Jones-like black zombie who has the gall to ogle a white woman (Heather "Love" Hewitt) swimming in a river. Luckily,...
Black Moon horror movie poster
In the 1930s and 1940s, it seems like nothing scared white America like being outnumbered by Negroes. An endless stream of African jungle adventure films came out exploiting that fear, as did a number of voodoo tales -- Black Moon being one of the earliest. Unlike predecessor White Zombie...