Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: campy

Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens
The Sharknado series began as a charmingly low-brow, tongue-in-cheek sendup of the disaster and killer animal movies you can catch on SyFy every weekend. It was initially innocuous, relatively low-key camp, but over time, the series has bought into its own viral appeal and now tries way too hard...
Zoombies horror movie
It should go without saying that my expectations for a movie about zombie zoo animals were pretty low, but one of the joys of being a horror fan of color is watching a random little flick like this and realizing the hero is actually someone who looks like you....
Woods of Evil horror movie
It's been said time and time again that some movies are so bad, they're good. While "good" wouldn't be a word I'd associate with Woods of Evil (it is evil, after all), it's pretty entertaining in its low-budget ineptitude. From cliches like crazy old men warning of danger and...
Zombie 4 horror movie poster
While the original Zombie (AKA Zombi 2) was a genuine thrill, its inevitable sequels can only be described as "lacking." Camp value is the main thing the third, fourth, and fifth films in the series have to offer, but Zombie 4 comes the closest to matching the original's quality. That...
Vampire Assassin movie
I knew I was in trouble when I saw that the DVD cover for this film said "Vampire Assassins," while the title screen read the singular "Vampire Assassin". Damn, continuity issues before the movie even begins! The second warning sign came when 10 or 15 minutes passed without me seeing...
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde horror movie
Almost a decade after the final Candyman movie, It's good to see Tony Todd in a titular role again. In fact, he's in two lead roles in this adaptation of the classic Robert Louis Stevenson tale of split personalities. Despite Hyde's attire on the DVD cover art, this is...
Soul Vengeance Welcome Home Brother Charles movie poster
Soul Vengeance is not generally considered horror, but what else would you call a film in which a guy strangles people with his mutated penis? A helluva good time, that's what! In this cult film from writer-director Jamaa Fanaka (Penitentiary), Charles (Marlo Monte) is arrested and nearly castrated by...
Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil's Son-in-Law horror movie poster Rudy Ray Moore blaxploitation
To say that Rudy Ray Moore is an acquired taste is like saying that Paris Hilton has no talent. Duh. His blue stand-up act aside, his films are low on budget and even lower on subtlety. Petey Wheatstraw, based on one of his acts, is the closest any of...
King of the Streets Alien Warrior movie
OK, so this is more of a science fiction movie than a horror movie -- hell, it's more of a public service announcement than it is a horror movie -- but damned if it isn't one of those irresistible "they can't be serious" train wrecks of a movie that...
April Fools horror movie
You have to love April Fools. Otherwise, you might end up blowing your brains out. What feels like a film with production values above typical "urban horror" fare turns out to be frustratingly devoid of quality. But where quality is lacking, camp appeal reigns supreme, and if camp is...