Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tag: black death

Terror Train
While Terror Train has a good reputation among horror fans, until the hectic climactic battle between “final girl” and killer, it’s mostly run-of-the-mill slasher fare that distinguishes itself by A) having Jamie Lee Curtis as the final girl and B) being set on a train. But there’s one other,...
In the late summer of 2022, a movie was released about a young black woman who arrives for a stay at a rental property she reserved, only to discover that it’s been double booked and is currently occupied by a strange white man with unknown intentions. Suspicious, she reluctantly...
The Suckling
Let's face it: 1990 was basically the after party for the '80s, as the cultural trends of the old decade carried over into the new one -- or don't you remember the shoulder pads that could impale a horse? As such, even though The Suckling came out in 1990,...
Beware the Blob
In between the 1958 original The Blob and the 1988 remake The Blob was Beware! The Blob, a goofy '70s sequel that stands out for little more than being an early example of what would later become a horror cliché: the black guy dying first. In truth, black characters in...
Blair Witch poster
As I watched 2016's Blair Witch, I couldn't put my finger on why I found the presence of two black characters in the main cast so striking. I mean, there have been other horror movies with multiple black cast members amongst the primary cast -- typically, a "black guy/black...
Black Horror Movies
Ever wonder how you would fare if you were a character in a horror movie? Would you be the "final girl/guy," or would you be the first to have a harpoon lodged in your rectum? Here's a handy flow chart to help you figure out your fate.
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes horror movie poster
Of the recent glut of “found footage” horror movies...Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes is one of them. It’s far from the best example of this style, but it’s certainly not the worst. What it lacks in scares, it makes up for in sheer competence -- which frankly is more...
Interview with the Black Guy
Originally published on MadAtoms.com You've seen him in every horror movie since 1984: the black guy who hangs out with a group of white people he has nothing in common with, whose only purpose, it seems, is to die first. He's been sliced into pieces in Resident Evil, de-armed in...
Noble Johnson, Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)
If there were no black people, who would die in horror movies? In the horror realm, it could actually be seen as a badge of honor to be important enough to score a death scene. It's with this in mind that we honor these thankless heroes. In memory of...