Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: backwoods

Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes horror movie poster
Of the recent glut of “found footage” horror movies...Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes is one of them. It’s far from the best example of this style, but it’s certainly not the worst. What it lacks in scares, it makes up for in sheer competence -- which frankly is more...
Motor Home Massacre horror movie
At the risk of ruining this movie (Then again, it’s called Motor Home Massacre; can it be ruined any more than it already is?) by revealing the identity of the killer, this otherwise nondescript horror movie distinguishes itself by being *SPOILER ALERT* one of the rare (the first?) non-all-black slashers to...
The Wounded movie poster
Any time a movie features a group of convicts in jail, it's a safe bet there's a significant number of black characters involved. In the case of The Wounded, it's a regular Rainbow Coalition, with mostly black and Latino cast members, but also a couple of white guys and...
Woods of Evil horror movie
It's been said time and time again that some movies are so bad, they're good. While "good" wouldn't be a word I'd associate with Woods of Evil (it is evil, after all), it's pretty entertaining in its low-budget ineptitude. From cliches like crazy old men warning of danger and...
Somebody Help Me horror movie
I guess You Got Stabbed would've been too obvious. You Got Served writer/director Chris Stokes and stars Marques Houston and Omari(on) Grandberry reunite for Somebody Help Me, a nice-looking but scatter-brained thriller that thankfully never degrades into hip-hop dance-offs. The best direct-to-video movies are the ones that aspired to be...
Poor Pretty Eddie movie poster
Leslie Uggams was one of those "triple threat" artists that were so prevalent in the '60s and '70s, a time when just a modicum of talent -- and many of them had just that -- warranted your own variety show. Who would guess, though, that amongst her generally classy...
Midnight AKA The Backwoods Massacre horror movie poster
If, like me, you've ever lived in the rural southern United States, then Midnight may not strike you as a horror movie as much as a trip down memory lane. Written and directed by John A. Russo, co-writer of Night of the Living Dead, the film is basically backwoods...
Memorial Valley Massacre horror movie poster
This tame, forgettable slasher stands out for having not one, not two, but THREE black characters! With speaking parts! And names! Nipsey Russell would've been so proud. The roles are generic horror movie shells: a biker dude named...Morie? (Charles Douglass), his biker chick named Sara (Livingston Holmes) and an...
Killjoy 2 horror movie poster
Killjoy was not what people in the industry would refer to as, um, "good," but Angel Vargas's performance as the killer clown was one of the few bright spots. Imagine my dismay, then, when the sequel came out featuring Trent Haaga as KJ. Watching it, I was further miffed...
Isolation horror movie
Who knew there were black people in Ireland? I wonder if even the Irish are aware. Imagine my surprise watching this little Irish film when up popped (the unfortunately named) Ruth Negga, an Irish lass of Ethiopian descent who'd later co-star in AMC's Preacher. She plays Mary, a young...