Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tag: backwoods

In 2012, Liam Neeson made cinematic history by punching wolves in the face in The Grey. A decade later, in Beast, Idris Elba tells Neeson to hold his beer while he cold-cocks a lion. Such is the world in which we live today; everyone’s a showoff. Elba plays Nate Samuels,...
Black Holler
Remember all those slasher movies back in the '80s that featured a black "final girl" vanquishing the unstoppable psychopathic killer during the nail-biting, climactic finale? Me neither. Lucky for us, Black Holler is here to re-envision that era with a modern parody/homage that is single-handedly more inclusive than the...
They Remain
They Remain opens with an H.P. Lovecraft quote ("Wise men have interpreted dreams, and the gods have laughed."), an indication of the content and the tone to follow. Typical of Lovecraftian fare, it's a bleak, thoughtful slow-burner about dark, unknown forces lurking beneath the surface of our world that...
The Recall
There comes a point when the careers of most action movie stars take a downturn, relegating them to direct-to-video drivel struggling to recapture even a fraction of their former glory, but in the case of Wesley Snipes, it feels more depressing because he can actually act. He didn't HAVE...
It Comes At Night
NOTE: POSSIBLE (MINOR, NON-SPECIFIC) SPOILERS BELOW Having watched the movie It Comes At Night in its entirety, I can honestly say that I don't know what the hell comes at night. And as much as I like the film, this fact reflects the misleading nature of its marketing. Between the...
The Alchemist Cookbook
The Alchemist Cookbook is a challenging film that defies categorization; it's part horror, part drama, part comedy and all quirky. It stands out from the bulk of today's genre movies due to its unconventional style -- essentially a one-man show, with a slow pace, ambiguous content, minimal dialogue and...
american backwoods: slew hampshire
American Backwoods: Slew Hampshire is a confounding little indie whose unique style and voice is as admirable as it is irksome. With its warped point of view, it would stand out even if it didn't have a black protagonist, but for the purposes of this site, it's the latter...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a harrowing horror classic that has no doubt been dissected (no pun intended) a million times since its release, but there's one aspect that doesn't seem to get discussed very much: A FREAKIN’ BLACK GUY SAVES THE DAY. For a black person to be...
Unsullied movie poster
It's not terribly unusual for a former professional athlete to enter the movie business, but it's typically as an actor or producer, so ex-football player Simeon Rice's transition from sports into directing is pretty rare. And his decision to direct a horror movie in particular is even more unheard...
horror movie The Night Seekers
The Night Seekers is one of those movies that’s so spectacularly bad, I'd need to review the script word by word to even come close to conveying its awfulness. It’s so fundamentally flawed, it operates on a different plane of existence. It's hard to even know what to make...