Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: aliens

King of the Streets Alien Warrior movie
OK, so this is more of a science fiction movie than a horror movie -- hell, it's more of a public service announcement than it is a horror movie -- but damned if it isn't one of those irresistible "they can't be serious" train wrecks of a movie that...
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator movie poster
In this sci fi-action-horror classic, not only are there two black members (Carl Weathers and the perpetually sweaty Bill Duke) in Arnold Schwarzenegger's team sent to the Central American jungle to die -- er, I mean to rescue some kidnapped airmen -- but the alien Predator who wipes them...
Predator 2 movie poster
Predator 2 isn't as good as Predator. OK? Now that we've sufficiently lowered our expectations, we can enjoy Predator 2 for what it is: an over-the-top, campy, fun popcorn movie. Danny Glover isn't the natural choice to fill the shoes of Arnold Schwarzenegger; he's 40-something and runs like an...
The Borrower horror movie poster
Emerging just after the arid 1980s, The Borrower was one of the few horror movies to feature a black lead (and a female one at that) in quite some time, helping to bridge the gap between the Blaxploitation '70s and the urban horror of the late '90s. Granted, in Tiger...
Breeders horror movie poster
This cheesy '80s monster movie stands out for two reasons: 1) It's directed by Tim Kincaid, who helmed the famously awful Robot Holocaust, which was parodied on Mystery Science Theater 3000 (He previously directed gay porn. Look it up.), and 2) It one of the rare horror films of...
Doom movie poster
After the mediocre Red Planet and the outright abomination that was Mission to Mars, you'd think that filmmakers would shy away from setting movies on Mars for, like, ever. But Doom dares to transport us once again to the planet where good scripts go to die. The story here...