Friday, March 14, 2025

Tag: Africa

In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro horror movie poster
The artsy-fartsy title of In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro obscures what is in fact a rampaging animal-fest that should more accurately be called Night of the Primates, or perhaps Red-Assed Terror. The plot boils down to two words: killer baboons. It's a fictionalized account of a true-life 1984 African...
Giant wasp in Monster from Green Hell horror movie
Representations of Africa in Horror Movies When Toto sang about Africa back in the day, it sounded so much more inviting than what we see coming out of Hollywood. Horror movies in particular have been guilty of perpetuating the image of “darkest Africa”, filled with ravenous animals and wild-eyed natives...
Abby horror movie poster
The title Abby might sound like a '70s sitcom (I can hear the theme song now: "Abby, she's crabby...kind of stabby."), but it's in fact a Blaxploitation horror movie that plays out unabashedly in the vein of The Exorcist. In fact, it came dangerously close to being called Blackorcist,...
Africa Addio (AKA Africa Blood and Guts) movie poster
Shockumentary, or "mondo", films are trash. There, I said it. Some people love their sleaziness, some (I'd guess most) don't. I fall into the "don't" camp, and although I wouldn't lump them together with fictional horror, that's where they're generally found in the video store, so I figured I'd...
The Believers horror movie poster
Ah, the '80s. How could anyone forget the wacky trends of the era: Izod shirts, Rubiks Cubes, ALF and, of course, voodoo. How fondly I recall Saturday nights with the family gathered around the campfire, Grandpa gutting a virgin, Aunt Martha leading the zombies in a three-part round of...
Blacula horror movie poster
Blacula has become synonymous with black horror -- and rightly so -- but beyond being a seminal film that kickstarted the modern concept of black horror, it was also one of the earliest and most successful movies in the influential "Blaxploitation" era of cinema, propelling a movement that satiated...
The Bone Snatcher horror movie poster
The wilds of Africa strike back! Yet again, a group of white people -- along with the token black local -- are terrorized by native wildlife, with Marlin Perkins nowhere in sight. Unlike the typical jungle setting, though, The Bone Snatcher takes place in the desert, providing a unique,...
Bram Stoker's The Mummy horror movie
Louis Gossett, Jr. gets top billing (the only billing, really, as the only other recognizable actors are Richard "Family Feud" Karn and the maid from Different Strokes who replaced Mrs. Garrett), but he's not really the hero so much as the crazy, rambling old guy who no one believes....
The Bride and the Beast movie poster
In one of the more perverse woman-beast relationships captured on film until 1980's Tanya's Island (and later the Pam Anderson-Tommy Lee tape), the Ed Wood-penned The Bride and the Beast finds newlywed Laura with a strange fetish. You see, gorillas make her feel all funny...down there. She reads Gorilla-girl, goes...
Curse III horror movie poster
Curse III (not to be confused with Cursed Part 3) is sort of a precursor to Drag Me to Hell, minus all the humor and talent. Unrelated to the first two films in the Curse series, this one takes place in an unspecified East African country in 1950 --...