Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: action

John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars movie poster
Ignoring the loud flopping sound of the previous year's two Mars films -- Red Planet and (ugh) Mission to Mars -- Ghosts of Mars chooses to boldly go where several have gone before. What distinguishes this one from the other flicks in the Martian Movie Renaissance of 2000-2001, though,...
Mario Van Peebles in Full Eclipse horror movie poster
Mario Van Peebles parlayed the success of theatrical releases New Jack City and Posse into...a made-for-cable werewolf movie? Maybe he was biding his time waiting for Jaws V: I'm Not Quite Dead Yet. Anyway, as silly as the premise of Full Eclipse as silly as the movie actually...
Devon's Ghost The Legend of Bloody Boy
An otherwise inept horror film, Devon's Ghost is noteworthy as one of the rare non-"urban" slashers to star a black woman as the "final girl". The gal in question is Karan Ashley, who also co-wrote, produced and edited the film, which goes a long way to explaining how she...