Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tag: 2000s

Carnivorous horror movie DMX
Alan is a poor little white boy living in the middle of nowhere with an abusive dad. Luckily, he doesn't let his circumstances curtail his sense of entitlement, as he decides to waltz into the local black voodoo guy's house (picture Ken Foree with Little Richard's hair piece) and...
The Cavern
The Cavern is one of the few non-all-black horror movies to be directed by a black person (Olatunde Osunsanmi), joining the ranks of films like Demon Knight and, depending on your point of view, The Fantastic Four. (The main actor and actress in the film -- Mustafa Shakir and Ogy...
Chaos horror movie
If a movie could be a hate crime, Chaos is it. It's like Birth of a Nation without the artistic merit. It was originally slated as a remake of Wes Craven's seminal Last House on the Left, but pompous writer/director David DeFalco felt that his film was original enough...
Children of the Corn 2009 horror movie remake
Like many people, I thoroughly ignored the Children of the Corn remake once the label "SyFy original" was slapped on it, but when I finally got around to watching it, I almost dropped my hot wings: Holy Halle Berry! There's a black chick playing the Linda Hamilton role! Indeed, there...
Chop Shop horror movie
Chop Shop aims to be an exploitation revenge flick in the vein of I Spit on Your Grave or its little-seen sequel, I Pass Gas on Your Sarcophagus -- and for a while, it succeeds. For a while. In classic exploitation style, the story is simple -- boys meet girl,...
Crazy as Hell movie poster
The dopey title Crazy As Hell doesn't give much indication of the quality of this production (though I suppose a lesser film would've been called Hella Crazy), but it does pretty succintly sum up the basic components of the story: insanity and the Devil. Michael Beach, adding to his...
Creepin' horror movie poster
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. That's the best way to approach Creepin', a low-budget, low-brow horror spoof along the lines of Scary Movie that isn't "good" so much as it is "not as bad as" 90% of other cheapie, direct-to-video horror films, particularly...
CrossBones horror movie poster
If you notice a rancid stench coming from your local video store, if it isn't the six-year-old Twizzlers rotting on the clearance rack, chances are it's CrossBones. This film manages the dubious achievement of being both dull and offensive at the same time. Black stereotypes abound, from the blood-thirsty...
Cryptz horror movie poster
Essentially an "urban" version of From Dusk Till Dawn or Vamp, Cryptz revolves around a strip club run by female vampires. As is the norm with Full Moon/Big City Pictures urban horror pics, our heroes are (yawn) wannabe rappers, but thankfully we don't have to suffer through any performances...
Cursed Part 3 horror movie poster
It's not often that you see a black woman directing a horror movie, and if Cursed Part 3 is any indication, you might never see it again. The director in this case is none other than actress Rae Dawn Chong, and while what I've seen of this movie is...