Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: 2000s

Masters of Horror: The V Word
Black Horror Movie Hall of Fame member Ernest Dickerson was tabbed by Showtime's Masters of Horror TV show to direct this episode, a solid entry in Season Two. The title is a sly play on Showtime's The L Word, which Dickerson just happens to have directed in the past....
White Skin La Peau Blanche movie poster
When it was imported to the US, the French-Canadian film White Skin, or La Peau Blanche, was repackaged as Cannibal, a title that not only obliterated the racial connotations of the movie, but also proved to be just plain wrong. This is a vampire -- or perhaps more accurately,...
Woods of Evil horror movie
It's been said time and time again that some movies are so bad, they're good. While "good" wouldn't be a word I'd associate with Woods of Evil (it is evil, after all), it's pretty entertaining in its low-budget ineptitude. From cliches like crazy old men warning of danger and...
The Wounded movie poster
Any time a movie features a group of convicts in jail, it's a safe bet there's a significant number of black characters involved. In the case of The Wounded, it's a regular Rainbow Coalition, with mostly black and Latino cast members, but also a couple of white guys and...
Zombiez horror movie
This movie is so half-assed...I can't even finish the sentence. It's wretched enough that I can see how some people could enjoy it in a sadomasochistic and/or end-of-days harbinger way. Where do I start? I know; how about the fact that there are NO ZOMBIES? There are just guys who...
28 Days Later horror movie poster
Those of you looking for a sequel to Sandra Bullock’s alcoholic drama 28 Days will probably be disappointed in 28 Days Later. The first clue that you have the wrong movie might be all the British accents. The second might be all the murders. The gritty and truly frightening...
April Fools horror movie
You have to love April Fools. Otherwise, you might end up blowing your brains out. What feels like a film with production values above typical "urban horror" fare turns out to be frustratingly devoid of quality. But where quality is lacking, camp appeal reigns supreme, and if camp is...
Arachnia horror movie poster
This otherwise laughable giant spider movie is notable in that it features a black heroine, Chandra (Irene Joseph). Granted, Chandra is just as laughable as the rest of the film, but hey, she's there. The entire cast, Joseph included, acts as stiffly as understudies in a high school play,...
Are You Scared horror movie
Sometimes I feel like I might overreact a bit when I complain about certain African-American portrayals in horror movies -- and really, in movies in general -- but then along comes a film like Are You Scared. This low-budget, mediocre Saw rip-off finds six teens trapped in warehouse under...
Automaton Transfusion horror movie
Automaton Transfusion is decent in a "seemingly written and directed during a drunken weekend bender" sort of way, but otherwise it brings little new to the zombie table. It's written as if someone sat down and watched 50 zombie films and decided to pluck an element from each one. As...