Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: 1970s

Old Dracula movie poster
Old Dracula is a silly little horror comedy trying to capitalize on the success of Young Frankenstein, its punny title an indication of the level of humor involved (that being "low"). There's a surprising racial twist, however, in the tale of old vamp Dracula (David Niven, sporting a distinctly...
Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil's Son-in-Law horror movie poster Rudy Ray Moore blaxploitation
To say that Rudy Ray Moore is an acquired taste is like saying that Paris Hilton has no talent. Duh. His blue stand-up act aside, his films are low on budget and even lower on subtlety. Petey Wheatstraw, based on one of his acts, is the closest any of...
Poor Pretty Eddie movie poster
Leslie Uggams was one of those "triple threat" artists that were so prevalent in the '60s and '70s, a time when just a modicum of talent -- and many of them had just that -- warranted your own variety show. Who would guess, though, that amongst her generally classy...
Pre-dating the similarly themed Australian cult film Patrick by a few years, Psychic Killer has only one major black character (a not-quite-angelic Della Reese has a throwaway scene), and he dies within the first 15 minutes, but there wouldn't be a movie without him. And if there was, it...
Scream Blacula Scream horror movie poster
A decent follow-up to the original blaxploitation classic, Scream, Blacula, Scream finds Mamuwalde awakened by aspiring voodoo priest "Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout" Willis (Richard Lawson) because, well, he' s an idiot. Mamuwalde proceeds to turn him into a vampire slave, and then Willis turns his girlfriend Denny (Lynne Moody) into...
Scream Bloody Murder horror movie poster
This twisted little flick is often neglected in retrospectives of the slasher sub-genre, but it's a great early example of the style that doesn't get bogged down trying to decipher why Matthew (Fred Holbert) kills -- as Chris Rock once said, "Whatever happened to 'crazy'?" -- instead, letting his...
Brian De Palma's Sisters horror movie poster
I recall the unexpected joy I felt when I first sat down to watch Sisters and saw that it seemed to star (or at least co-star) a black man. And not your typical 1970s Hollywood black man either -- struttin', jive talkin', ho slappin' -- but rather, an honest-to-goodness...
Soul Vengeance Welcome Home Brother Charles movie poster
Soul Vengeance is not generally considered horror, but what else would you call a film in which a guy strangles people with his mutated penis? A helluva good time, that's what! In this cult film from writer-director Jamaa Fanaka (Penitentiary), Charles (Marlo Monte) is arrested and nearly castrated by...
The Thing with Two Head movie poster
With a title like The Thing With Two Heads, you might expect some sort of, well, "thing". Instead, we get a two-headed man -- or if you prefer, a one-bodied two-person. With no gore, no death, no scares and no monster, it's a stretch to call this a horror...
Trilogy of Terror horror movie DVD
This relatively tame made-for-TV anthology has achieved cult status amongst even the most hardcore horror fans for three simple words: Zuni...fetish...doll. The little African bugger (I say African because although the Zuni are a Native American tribe, the doll was confirmed in the sequel to be African.) has become...