Don’t I Know You…? Black Horror Character Actors
These actors and actresses aren't usually the leads in horror movies, but they keep busy in supporting roles as the best friends, the partners, the safari guides and other assorted capacities that probably ensure death. You know their faces, but you don't know their names or even where you know them from. Before you walk up and ask them, "Do...
Best Black Horror Movies of 2022
There was a time not too long ago that it would be difficult to create a “best of” list of horror movies featuring black leads in any given year, since there were so few of them, and the ones that did exist were of such dubious quality. But thankfully, things have changed in both quantity and quality over the...
Rappers “Slash” Actors Appearing in Horror Movies
Rappers are busy people, what with all the ho juggling, money stacking, and ride pimping. That's why so few of them have time to fully devote to the craft of acting. And yet so many of them are doing it, mucking up our precious horror films with their half-assed performances. Now, the time has come to set them straight...
Scary Sistas: A Brief History of Black Women in Horror Films
Originally posted on
Black women in cinematic history have long faced the double-barreled Hollywood stigma of race and gender "otherness," their fleeting moment of glory coming in the '90s when "You go, girl!" was introduced into the popular lexicon. On the more formal level of Oscar recognition, meanwhile, the black female images thus far celebrated by the Academy of...
Black Horror Movies Per Year: 1970-2023
How Much Have Black Horror Roles Increased?
Tracking the number of modern horror movies per year with significant* Black roles. For details on specific movies, refer to:
1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s
*Admittedly, "significant" is a subjective term that varies by era.
What New Horror Movies Come Out This Week?
Horror Movie and DVD Release Dates Schedule, updated weekly, every Tuesday.
22 “Heroic Deaths” by Black Characters in Horror Movies
Everyone knows that the "black guy" (or gal) usually dies in horror movies -- so much so, in some instances, the characters themselves seem to be aware of their inevitable fate. Thus, we have the phenomenon of black "heroic death," in which black characters (usually peripheral) voluntarily sacrifice themselves -- or at least, volunteer for tasks that mean certain...
Bad Boys (and Girls): Black Horror’s Most Wanted Villains
Black people originated the slang of bad meaning good, but that doesn't mean they can't also be bad meaning bad. They've played some of the more memorable baddies in horror history. Here are some of the baddest black villains to grace a horror movie screen. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Blacula, Blacula and Scream, Blacula, Scream
The poster child...
Best Black Horror Movies of 2024
2024 had its share of disappointments in Black horror cinema, but it had so many entertaining entries that it could afford the misfires. There's perhaps nothing more reflective of the growth of Black horror over the years than the fact that it is now allowed room to fail. The mere fact that I could compile a list with 30...
Interview with the Black Guy
Originally published on
You've seen him in every horror movie since 1984: the black guy who hangs out with a group of white people he has nothing in common with, whose only purpose, it seems, is to die first. He's been sliced into pieces in Resident Evil, de-armed in Predator, and he had his head punched off in Friday...