A decent yet otherwise undistinguishable low-budget Friday the 13th rip-off, Bloody Murder 2 does earn some distinction for a conversation between a stock black character named Elvis (Raymond Novarro Smith) and white gal Sophie (Amanda Magarian) regarding the conventions of horror movie deaths:
Elvis: “Everybody knows black guys get it first in horror movies. It’s like Horror Films 101.”
Sophie: “Black guys? What about women? Girls always buy it early in those movies, usually after they show their boobs.”
Elvis: “Yeah, but even so, I still have it worse.”
Sophie: “How do you figure?”
Elvis: “You have some degree of choice of whether to show your boobs or not and to whom. Me, I’m black no matter what I do.”
Perhaps going out of his way to prove a point, Elvis proceeds to get killed, while Sophie keeps her top on and lives. Way to reinforce the status quo!