Caged Terror (AKA Golden Apples of the Sun) (1973)
Caged Terror stands as a towering testament to why kids should say no to drugs and why hippies should say no to filmmaking. I'm not sure how this movie...
Bugged (1997)
You’d think that with advances in technology and an increasing fan base, Troma movies would start to at least look better after a while, but this film looks as...
The Bride and the Beast (1958)
In one of the more perverse woman-beast relationships captured on film until 1980's Tanya's Island (and later the Pam Anderson-Tommy Lee tape), the Ed Wood-penned The Bride and the Beast...
Breeders (1986)
This cheesy '80s monster movie stands out for two reasons: 1) It's directed by Tim Kincaid, who helmed the famously awful Robot Holocaust, which was parodied on Mystery Science...
The Breed (2006)
The Breed begins with a shaky foundation, asking us to believe that:
a) Hill Harper is 20-something.
b) Taryn Manning is a virgin.
c) Michelle Rodriguez is straight.
One thing that doesn't stretch...
Bram Stoker’s The Mummy (AKA Legend of the Mummy) (1997)
Louis Gossett, Jr. gets top billing (the only billing, really, as the only other recognizable actors are Richard "Family Feud" Karn and the maid from Different Strokes who replaced...
Boys of the City (1940)
Boy, this ranks up there with Curse of the Voodoo in the "Most Likely to Be Boycotted by Al Sharpton" category. Lone black East Side Kid Scruno (Ernest "Sunshine...
Boy Eats Girl (2005)
Zombie comedies ("zom coms") are getting precariously close to wearing out their welcome. I mean, there's only so much humor that can be mined from an undead apocalypse, right?...
The Borrower (1991)
Emerging just after the arid 1980s, The Borrower was one of the few horror movies to feature a black lead (and a female one at that) in quite some time,...
The Bone Snatcher (2003)
The wilds of Africa strike back! Yet again, a group of white people -- along with the token black local -- are terrorized by native wildlife, with Marlin Perkins...