Diamonds of Kilimandjaro (AKA Treasure of the White Goddess) (1983)
Really more of an adventure (although admittedly not very adventurous) tale than horror, Diamonds of Kilimandjaro is piss-poor in any genre. It's a Tarzan rip-off from Spanish sleaze-meister Jesus...
Devon’s Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy (2005)
An otherwise inept horror film, Devon's Ghost is noteworthy as one of the rare non-"urban" slashers to star a black woman as the "final girl". The gal in question...
Devil Times Five (AKA The Horrible House on the Hill) (1974)
With black horror movie characters typically being either helpless victims or nameless extras, it's good to see that they can be evil every now and then. Tierre Turner of...
Devil’s Express (AKA Gang Wars) (1976)
Although I was just a child in the '70s, my memories of the time are still quite vivid: shirtlessness ran rampant, afros knew no race and everyone -- EVERYONE...
The Devil’s Daughter (1939)
The Devil's Daughter is an all-black melodramatic semi-remake of Ouanga with no devil and with daughters so bland the devil wouldn't want 'em anyway. The whispy-voiced Ida James stars...
Devil Hunter (AKA Sexo Canibal) (1980)
From Jesus Franco, sleazy horror icon and dubiously talented nutcase, the man who brought you Diamonds of Kilimandjaro (which used some of the same cast, including Aline Mess as...
Demon Slayer (2003)
Five delinquent "teens" (Hollywood-speak for 30-something) are sentenced to renovate a brothel-turned-hospital in South Central LA that apparently used to host ritual sacrifices back in the day and is...
Demons (1985)
One of the most energetic, entertaining and Hollywood-friendly films of the '70s/'80s Italian horror Renaissance, Demons is also one of the few to feature major black roles, in this...
Demon Knight (1995)
One of the better horror movies of the '90s, Demon Knight is helmed by a black director and features a black hero (and a woman at that) -- and...
Def By Temptation (1990)
That Def By Temptation may be the best film in the Troma oeuvre (which studio president Lloyd Kaufman claims in the DVD intro) is perhaps a dubious distinction, but...